

Our auction house specializes in internet auctions, hence our comission rates are extremely competitive, even 7% less compared to traditional auctions. Nevertheless the final rate is allwyays individually negotiated.

Our second auction will take place on 15th of Semptember 2018. We accept consignments untill end of June 2018.

Below we present our regular comission rates.


Regular comission rates 
   Estimated valueComission rate
0 – 1 000 PLN12 – 14 %
1 000  – 10 000 PLN8 – 12 %
10 000  – 50 000 PLN5 – 8 %
above 50 000 PLN  individually


  • The comission rate for entire collection is allways individually negotiated and one fixed rate is set.
  • We settle auction sales in 30 days but occassionally we allow for advance payments in the amount of 50% of final prices in 3 working days after the auction.
  • In the case of entire and valuable collections, we can offer specially designed, individual auctions.
ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875 000
tel.: 71 30 70 111

Aktualnie przyjmujemy walory na XIV Aukcję PREMIUM.