Best prices for Polish Coins

Polish coins  and in particular the truely rare ones  are our main speciality. We regularly conduct proffesional auctions where we sell rare coins. We help a number of collectors in building advanced collections, hence for rare coins from Poland we can offer best prices in the country.

We are also interested in coins related to Poland that were issued by Free City of Danzig and in Getto Litzzmannstadt. Coins related to Silesia region  are also of our great interest.

We actively and regulary participate in all large numismatic fairs in Europe including World Money fair in Berlin and all editions of Numismata.  You can also meet us in all large fairs in Poland, including the biggest fair that takes place in Lodz where we have our own stand.

If you have found any Polish coins, you are at the right place at the right time! Just email us and attach few photos, we will send you our offer. Truely rare coins we can put on our auctions that we held twice a year.

ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875 000
tel.: 71 30 70 111

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