Purchase and valuation of banknotes

World paper money and in particular Polish banknotes are our main speciality. We have already conducted a number of auctions where we have sold extremely rare notes. We help several collectors in building advanced collections, hence for rare banknotes from Poland we can offer best prices in the world.

We are also interested in banknotes related to Poland that were issued by Free City of Danzig and Ost Bank including Kowno and Posen. Emergency money that was issued in Polish languange and camp money, in particulr Getto Litzzmannstadt are also of our great interest.

Its important to highlight that we have been very successfull in adding to the knowledge about Polish banknotes, in our virtual library we have placed articles about unique variations of Polish banknotes that have been discovered by our experts.

We actively and regulary participate in the largest Paper Money Fair in Maastricht. Meet us there!

ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875 000
tel.: 71 30 70 111
E-mail: m.wojcicki@snmw.pl

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