Sell by mail

Those who live outside of Poland or simply can not visit our offfice can sell items by mail.

Below we outline step by step the procedue of purchasing items at distance:

  1. Contact us by phone or e-mail and let us know what kind of items would you like to sell. Attach good quality photos and add your remarks that you would like to make.
  2. If we are interested, we will send you a price offer. If we agree on price, you will be asked to send us your personal data including bank account number.
  3. After you have provided us with all the information required, you will recieve a purchase agreement by mail with the list of all items that we agreed on to buy.
  4. We kindly ask you to send all items that are subject of contract and two pieces of signed agreement to the following adres:

S.N. Mateusz Wójcicki  ul. Zwiadowców 9, 52-207 Wrocław, Poland                 

* its seller responsibility to choose adequate shipping method that guarantees secure delivery of items.

  1. When we recieve the parcell and positevely verify all items, we wire a bank transfer as agreed in contract. However if there is any discrepancy, you will be immediately contacted to make new arrangments. If any of the itmes is determined to be not genuine or if the new terms are unacceptable for you, all items will be send back to you at our cost.
ul. Zwiadowców 9
52-207 Wrocław
tel.: 696 875 000
tel.: 71 30 70 111

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